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What do I do if I spill a liquid on my keyboard or laptop?

If you’re on a laptop and you happen to spill something on it, the first thing you should do is power it off. You dont want any electricity running through that thing when you’ve got liquid on it somewhere. The next thing you have to do is turn it upside down so that all the liquid spills out. Grab some cloth or whatever you can to wipe off all the excess liquid. Now grab your hairdryer and run it off the keyboard until everything looks dry. Just to be safe, leave it unplugged for about a day or two so you can be sure that it dries out and just before you’re starting it up again go over it with a hairdryer again. What alot of people don’t know is that liquid isn’t necessarily bad for your computer because all the parts in there actually get washed before they’re get put into your computer. I know that’s scary but that actually happens. After three days power it back on, you should be fine. If not, you can take it to a repair center but the chances are you haven’t done that much damage to it.


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