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My laptop charger not working, now what?

What to do first when laptop charger not working?

If you are on this webpage and your laptop charger not working, don’t freak out.  This happens to millions of laptop users a year from all makes and models and understandably it is very frustrating.  There are several actions you should take first to better your chance of improving your laptop charger.  After all, there’s nothing more frustrating than a laptop charger not working except a laptop charger that could’ve been working but is now no longer functional due to indecisive actions on the user.   So follow along and let us get your laptop charger working again!

The first steps for when laptop charger not working

The first thing you need to do when your laptop charger not working is to verify all the parts of your laptop charger are probably plugged in and working.  You will be surprised by how many laptop chargers are claimed to not be working but simply have a cable that is not completely in or is not even plugged in the laptop right.  This may sound like very basic advice but you would be surprised by how many people don’t have their laptop charger probably connected and claim their laptop charger not working.

So after you see your laptop charger is properly plugged in and looks to be normal, what do you do next?   There is a fairly good chance your outlets are not working.  Outlets go out faster than you think and are difficult to tell they are not working.  They could not be working for several reasons, which we will not get into detail here, but check several outlets not only in the building you are in but in another building.  The problem may not be the laptop charger at all but the building itself.

Ok, I did these steps but my laptop charger not working still!

If you are still having problems.  Try another similar laptop charger.  Most companies have laptop chargers that  will work for any other laptop model in their inventory.  Go find a similar charger either from your friend or from the computer store and see if this laptop charger works. If these laptop charger works, but others do not, than the problem may be the laptop itself.  If this is the case no laptop charger in the world  will  work.

We hope if you took these steps your laptop charger not working is now working again.


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